House in Derbyshire

This early project from the days of hand drawing was to explore the development potential for a site on behalf of the executors of an estate.  The project is for a two-storey cottage with detached garage, built on a rocky outcrop in local materials.  We were inspired by designs of the arts and crafts movement, in particular houses by Philip Webb and Stoneywell by Ernest Gimson, which is nearby in Leicestershire.

Although we felt the cottage made good use of the site and had minimal visual impact on its surroundings, it was in a rural area on previously undeveloped land, with a single narrow access road from a winding road with relatively fast traffic.  There were strong objections from a local landowner who shared the narrow access road.

The planning application was not successful.  The executors asked us to take the decision to appeal via the "written representations" procedure, but the refusal was upheld.  In retrospect we feel that an early approach by the executors to the affected landowner might have assisted the process, although this might still not have secured a permission.   The need to encourage clients to liaise with neighbours wherever possible before submitting an application was a good early lesson that we applied to later projects.