Sheerness Dockyard Church

This project involved the comprehensive restoration of this Grade II* listed church, which dates back to 1826 and forms a graceful landmark at the entrance to the Sheerness Royal Naval Dockyard.  The building had the misfortune to be burnt down twice, first in 1881 and then again in 2001!  When SEH became involved in 2011, the structure was in urgent need of repair and was on English Heritage’s “At-Risk" register.  Working with Save Britain’s Heritage and the Sheerness Dockyard Preservation Trust (SDPT), we explored a range of potential new uses and internal reconstruction approaches to determine what would be both financially viable and compatible with the Dockland Church’s special character.  Our proposals were used as part of a successful Heritage Lottery fund bid in 2016.  The SDPT managed to raise the remaining funding and the project was completed by Hugh Broughton and Martin Ashley Architects in 2023.  I was Project Director from 2011 to 2015, leading a multidisciplinary team for the feasibility and option appraisals.

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